Multisensory Methods to Help Prepare Children for the Sacraments

Children learn best when they are actively involved in the formation process. By using multiple senses, catechists can help children better understand the meaning and significance of sacramental celebrations. Join […]


Llamados a ser discípulos misioneros vivos en Cristo

Presentado por Dr. Hosffman OspinoEste webinario resalta la centralidad del kerigma en la experiencia catequética y ofrece ideas claves para que los educadores en la fe afirmemos más de lleno […]


Called to be Missionary Disciples Alive In Christ

Presented by Dr. Hosffman OspinoThis webinar highlights the centrality of the kerygma in the catechetical experience and offers insights as to how religious educators can affirm more intentionally the beauty […]


Reimagining Catechesis For Young Adolescents

Presented by Norma RothschadlAre you looking for a fresh, new way to not only catechize but engage young adolescents (6th – 9th grade), and in addition make the faith relevant […]


How to run a successful Scuba VBS

Presented by Dr. Joseph WhiteDive into the depths of faith and fun with Totally Catholic Scuba VBS! This webinar will explore the ins and outs of running a successful Scuba […]
