Laura Mary Phelps is first and foremost a beloved daughter of God, who needed to crash and burn before realizing it.

Rescued by Jesus and determined to lead women to their true identity in Christ, she works as a regional area coordinator and blogger at Walking With Purpose, a women’s Catholic bible study. A wife and mother of four, she enjoys writing at her own personal blog, Wildflower, where she is free to talk about the mess she was, the mess she still is, and the God who shows up everyday to clean it all up. Her minivan is filthy and the side doors don’t always open, but praise be to God for children who can climb over seats and a husband who knows how to fix things. It’s not all good, but it is all grace.
Visit her website at
Follow her on CatholicMom, Twitter, Instagram.

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Ladies, whether we realize it or not, we are facing a battle every day.
We face battles in our homes, in our relationships, and in our cluttered hearts and distracted minds. We want a Pinterest-worthy house, flawless skin, a picture-perfect marriage, envy-inducing Instagram feeds — oh, and total control over everything that will ever happen to us. And since for most of us this is just normal life, we forget that this “normal” is actually a battlefield. One where souls are won — or lost. Instead of arming ourselves with the right weapons, we respond to our frustrations and disappointments by slapping on an Instagram filter or grabbing an expensive latte.
We can do better than this. Victorious Secret: Everyday Battles and How to Win Them will show you how to put on your spiritual armor and face the fight every day. The stakes are high, and the enemy is strong, but the good news is: so are we. We are deeply loved by the Lord, and he gives us everything we need to face our everyday battles — if we’re willing to receive what he has to offer.
Are you ready to finish off that latte and fight?