Are you ready to foster deeper, more meaningful connections with your parishioners? Simply Catholic Connect is an online treasury of Catholic content for social media, email, bulletin, and web. Parish communicators share Simply Catholic Connect content with their parishioners to inspire them to joyfully engage with their faith. Parishioners live inspired, Monday-Friday, so that they find a deeper connection with Christ and the parish on Sundays.

  • Present answers to your parishioners’ most pressing Catholic questions
  • Inspire your parishioners to be joyfully Catholic and to attend Sunday Mass
  • Share models of wholeness and holiness through the lives of the saints
  • Provide concrete ways for your parishioners to live their daily faith more fully

Receive Unlimited Access:

  • Countless articles on the Catholic faith
  • Topics cover saints, prayer, scripture, and more!
  • Spanish language resources
  • A robust library of social media graphics
  • Liturgically aligned content packages
  • The Catholic Expert’s Guide to Digital Evangelization
  • Quarterly content calendars


Benefit from access to hundreds of content options, ranging from full articles on the Catholic faith, flexible content pieces for bulletins,and pre-packaged graphics for social media posts. Access and share content simply – by downloading and copy-pasting into your existing platforms. Gain insight through The Catholic Expert’s Guide to Digital Evangelization, containing best-practices for how to use Simply Catholic Connect content to inspire your parishioners.


Based on the latest, comprehensive research from the national OSV Catholic Insights Community comprising more than 1200 Catholics, Simply Catholic Connect is designed and curated to resonate with today’s Catholics.

When faith fades away and people become less engaged, they attribute it to difficulty in finding time to make it a priority (41%) and the business of life getting in the way (41%).If you’re searching for ways to connect with today’s busy and distracted Catholics, Simply Catholic Connect includes encouraging, bite-sized content designed to help Catholic reengage. Simply Catholic Connect focuses on topics that are not only high interest to Catholics but also the most influential on growing one’s faith: prayer, bible study, lives of the saints, and liturgy, among others.
Catholics are most likely to use self-research (55%) and Catholic content publishers (46%) to “guide them in the next step to strengthening their faith. Only 20% indicate they turn to their parish priest and 31% their parish community for guidance.Simply Catholic’s goal is to help connect your parishioners back to your parish community and priest. The content you share from Simply Catholic connect is your parish’s content – and you are empowered to decide how and when to release it on behalf of your community, to draw your parishioners into deeper connection with one another and the parish.
Catholics across all demographic segments indicate that their ideal Catholic content comes from a voice that is perceived as trustworthy, reliable, and honest. They most strongly associate these characteristics with people in authority like priests and religious, parental figures, and relatable religious scholars.Simply Catholic Connect curates the best content from these Catholic voices and re-packages it in formats that meet your direct needs for your bulletin, email blasts, social media channels, and website.