Thomas Wurtz currently serves as the founder and director of Varsity Catholic, a division of the Fellowship of Catholic University Students working with college athletes.

He has helped develop multiple aspects of formation for the hundreds of men that have served as missionaries within FOCUS over the years. He is a graduate of Benedictine College and the Augustine Institute. He was privileged to be selected as a delegate for the inaugural Sport at the Service of Humanity Conference at the Vatican, sponsored by the Pontifical Council for Culture. He is the author of Compete Inside: 100 Reflections to Help you Become the Complete Athlete. He and his wife live in Colorado with their four young children.
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As a Catholic man, you are designed with a unique calling.
You are meant to guard and protect the most significant things in life, even to death. This calling is difficult. The only hope in achieving it, with the grace of God, is to live in true freedom.
In Pursuing Freedom: Becoming the Man You Could Be, Thomas Wurtz challenges Catholic men to find this freedom by embracing eight essential characteristics: the acknowledgement of the spiritual realm, a life of self-control, magnanimity, humility, resilience, surrender, commitment to mission, and, most of all, love. As you pursue these eight attributes, you will begin to achieve the freedom necessary to fully live the profound calling given to you. In this, you can become the man God made you to be.